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Drug testing is fraught with
problems of false positives - or positives because folks didn't
understand what they were taking. A "false positive" is a test
result that is returned when a substance tests positive for another
compound. It is a case of mistaken identity. The cause of a
"false positive" can be equipment related, human error, or specimen
related error. While most labs will perform a confirmation test if the
initial sample tests positive, the result will stain your
The antidote for this is prevention and education as active
defenses. The information presented below is only a beginning to
your quest for knowledge regarding the medications you may be
taking. Regardless of whether your medications appear on this
list, you should contact your Physician for further information and
disclose ALL medications you're taking on the drug testing collection
form. While this list is NOT exhaustive, it is an attempt to
gather as much information as possible. If you see something
missing or incorrect, please drop me an email.
The drugs on this list will either result in:
- a false positive (Type I
error) meaning it does not indicate use of a controlled substance, or
- a positive because the drug is
a controlled substance.
Use Control-F to find your
drug. For best results, search for part of the drug name such as
the root.
Positive Results for Alcohol
Terpinhydrate, Contac,
Dristan, Nyquil, Hall's Cough Drops, Cough Medications
Positive Results for Amphetamines
A.R.M., Accutrim,
Dexatrim, Actifed, Adderall®, Afrin, Alka-Seltzer, Alka-Selzer
Plus, Allerest, Amphetaminil, Bayer Select Maximum Strength Sinus Pain
Relief, Benzedrine®, Biphetamine®, Bromphenlramlne, Bupropion
(Wellbutrin), Caldecon, Captagon®, Cheracol Sinus, Chiorpromazlne,
Contac, Contact Non-Drowsy Formula Sinus Caplets, Desipramine,
Dexedrine, Dexfenfluramine, Dextroamphetamine, Dextromethorphan
hydrobromide or DXM, Didrex, Diet Aids C phenylpropanolamine, Dietac,
Dimetapp, Dimethylamphetamine, Dinintel®, Dristan Cold caplets,
Dristan Nasal Spray, Drixoral Cold and Flu, Durophet®, Efidac/24,
Elderpryl®, Ethylamphetamine, Fencamine, Fenproporex, Finedal®,
Fluoxetine (Prozac), Fluspirilene, Furfenorex, Hydroymethamphetamone,
Maximum Strength Sine-aid, Maximum Strength Sudafed Sinus, Maximum
Strength Tylenol Sinus, Medical Condition: Pregnancy, Methylphenidate
(Ritalin), Neosynephren, Neosynephrine, Obetrol®, Ornade, Ortain,
OTC nasal sprays (See Vicks inhaler, Afrin), Phenylephrine,
Phenylpropanolamine, Phenypropan-Olamine, Pondinil®, Prenylamine,
Propanolamine, Prozac (Fluoxetine Hydrochloride), Pseudoephedrine,
Ranitidine, Ritalin®, Sinarest No Drowsiness, Sine-Aid Tablets
Maximum Strength, Sinex, Sinus Excedrin Extra Strength Caplets,
Tegisec®, Trazedone, Triaminic 12, Triaminicin, Tylenol Sinus
gelcaps, Vicks Nasal Spray, Wellbutrin (Bupropion), Zantac, Heart
Medications, Benadril, Norflex, Desoyn®, Gradumet®,
Amifepramone, Amineptine, Asthma medications, Benzphetamine, Cathne,
Clobenzorex, Contact, Cylert, Deprenyl, Desoxyephedrine,
Dexdenfluramine, Eldepryl, Ephedra, Ephedrine, Etafediabe,
Famprofazone, Fenelylline, Fenproyorex, Ma Huang (Ephedra sinica),
Mefenorex, Mephentermine, Methoxyphenamine, Methphenidate, Mini-thins,
Nasal sprays (Vicks inhaler, Afrin), Pemoline, Phendimetrazine,
Phenmetrazine, Phentermine, Pholedrine, Propylephedrine, Redux,
Sudafed, Tylenol Sinus, Acet-AM, Amesec, Bronkotabs, Ephedrol, Ephedra
(Ma Haung), Estasule Minus, Morax, Quadrinal®, Quelichine,
Quelidrine, Quibron Plus, Tedral, 4-Way Nasal Spray, Sinarest, Medical
Condition: Kidney infection, Medical Condition: Diabetes, Bronkaid,
Nyquil, Combivent inhaler, Concerta, Fenfluramine, Marax, Mesocarb,
Morazone, Primatene-M, Primatine Tablets, Robitussin Cold and Flu,
(Eldepryl), Tavist-D, Vicks Inhaler
Positive Results for Barbiturates |
Acro-Lase Plus®,
Antrocol Elixor®, Dilantin, Donnatal®, Donnatol (for irritable
bowel syndrome), Kenesed®, Luminal®, Mudrane GC®, Nembutal
Sodium, Pentobarbital Sodium, Phenobarbital, Rexatal®,
Secobarbital, Secobarbital Sodium Bellergal-S®, Seconal Sodium,
Solfoton®, Anti-asthmatics
Positive Results for Benzodiazapines
Alprazolam, Anti Anxiety
medication, Ativan®, Black Pearls (Tung Sheuh pills), Chinese herb
pills (Cows Head, Miracle Herb, Potentsex, Black Pearls, Others),
Chlordiazepoxide, Clonazepam, Cows head pills (Chinese herb),
Dalmane®, Daypro, Diazepam/Valium, Dormonocet®, Flurazepam,
Klonopin®, Libritab®, Librium®, Limbitrol®, Loprazolam,
Lorazepam, Miracle herb pills (Chinese herb), Oxazepam, Potentsex pills
(Chinese herb), Prescription sleeping pills, Rivotril®, Serax®,
TriazolamHalcion®, Valerian Root and extract, Coaxocillin,
Clidinium, Valium®, Valrelease®, Xanax®, Zoloft
Positive Results for Cocaine |
Amoxicillin, Ampicillin,
Kidney disease, Tonic water
Positive Results for Heroin |
Cough suppressants with
Dextromethorphan (DXM), Vicks Formula 44M, Antibiotics,
Dextromethorphan, Dristan Cough Formula, Hold Cough Suppressant,
Robitussin DM, Romilar, Silexin, St. Joseph's Cough Syrup, Trucal,
Tussaminic, Tussinic, Poppy Seeds, Tonic Water, Vicks Cough Syrup
Positive Results for LSD |
Amitriptyline, Artane,
Bentyl®, Bromocriptine/Parlodel®, Bromocription, Cafergot®,
Cogentin, Dicyclomine, Efotamine, Ergostat®, Ergotamine, Hydergine,
Imitrex, Hydergine®, Lisuride/Dopergin®, Lysergol,
Methysergide, Sansert®, Methysergiside, Triprolidine, Wigraine®
Positive Results for Marijuana |
Nalfon, Fenoprofin,
Fluriprofen®, Hemp, Marinol®, Menstrual cramp medications,
Naproxyn, Perylamine, Prescription NSAIDS, Tanning lotion containing
hemp, Advil, Anaprox, Ansaid, Apo-Naproxen, Atripla, Bayer Select Pain
Relief, Clinoril, Cramp End Tablets, Datril, Dolobid, Dronabinol
(Marinol), Edecrin, Efavirenz, Excedrin IB, Feldene, Flurbiprofen,
Genpril, Haltran, Hempseed Oil, Ibuprin, Ibuprofen, Ifenoprofen,
Indocin, Ketoprofen, Lodine, Meclomen, Medical Condition: Bladder
Infection, Medipren, Mediprim, Midol, Motrin, Naprosyn, Naproxen
(Aleve), Navonaprox, NSAIDS, Nuprin, Orudis®, Pamprin®,
Pantoprazole, Phenergan®, Promethazine, Promethegan, Proton pump
inhibitors, Protonix, Relafen, Riboflavin, Rufin, Sustiva (Efanirenz),
Tolectin®, Trendar Cramp Relief Formula, Vitamin B2, Voltaren,
Mediprin, Rufen, Ginseng Tea, Oxaprozin
Positive Results for Opiates |
Actifed with Codeine Cough
Syrup®, Ampicin, Ascriptin w/codeine, Aspirin with Codeine,
Benylin, Capital and Codeine Oral Solution, Chlorpromazine, Cipro
(antibiotic), Clinafloxacin, Codeine, Cold remedies with
dextromethorphan, Comtrex, Demerol, Dextromethorphan, Doco children's
cough syrup, Emprin with Codeine®, Enoxacin, Fioricet with
Codeine®, Fluoroquinolone antibiotics, Gatifloxacin, Hamantashen,
Kaoden with Codeine®, Levaquin®, Levofloxacin (antibiotic),
Lomefloxacin, Lortab, Margestic, Moxifloxacin, Norfloxacin, Ofloxacin
(antibiotic), Pedacare, Pefloxacin, Percocet, Percovil, Phenaphen with
Codeine®, Phenergan with, Codeine®, Phenergan-D, Poppy seeds,
Quinine in Tonic water, Rifampicin (antibiotic), Rifampin, Robitussin,
Soma with Codeine, Sparfloxacin, Triaminic Expectorant with
Codeine®, Tylenol 3, Tylenol 4, Tylenol with Codeine®, Wygesic,
Soma, Ambenyl, Broncholate CS, Cheracol, Codinal PH®, Deconsal,
Dimetane-DC Cough Syrup ®, Isoclor Expectorant, Novahistine
DH®, Novahistine Expectorant®, Nucofed Expectorant,
Par-Glycerol-C (CV), Pediacof®, Phenergan VC®, Poly-Histine,
Robitussin A-C®, Robitussin DAC®, Tussar 2®, Tussar
SF®, Tussi-Organiden, Amogel PG®, Astramoprh PF ®,
Diabismul®, Donnagel-PG ®, Duramorph®, Infantol Pink ®,
Infumorf, Kaodene with Paregoric®, MS Contin Tablets®,
MSIR®, Oramorph, Paregoric, Rescudose, Roxanol, Medical Condition:
Liver Disease, Elavil, A.P.C. w/codeine, Acetaminoph w/codeine,
Coffee-Break, Control, Dietac, Empirin w/codeine, Fiorinal w/codeine,
Naldecon, Sine-Off, Sinubid, Triminicol, Tussagesic, Buprenex®,
Buprenorphine, Darvon®, Dihyrocodeine, Dilaudid®,
Dolophine®, Homatropine Methylbromide, Hyrocane, Hycodan®,
Hydrocodone, Hydromorphine, Methadone, Numorphan®, Oxycodone,
Oxymorphone, Paracodine®, Percodan®, Propoxyphene, Synalgos
DC®, Vicodin ES®
Positive Results for Phencyclidine (PCP)
Diphenhydramine, Doxylamine, Effexor Tablets (venlafaxine
hydrochloride), Ketamine, Meperidine, Thioridazine, Venlafaxine
hydrochloride (Effexor)
Positive Results for Steroid Use |
DHEA, Prednisone
Trademark Disclaimer: Drugs that are commercially
available typically have at least two names. First, each drug has
a generic, nonproprietary name which is not protected by a
trademark. In addition, drugs typically several brand or trade
names, created by their manufacturers. For example, the drug with
the generic name diphenhydramine hydrochloride has the brand name
Benadryl®. Where it is known that a name is in fact a brand
or trade name, I have put the symbol ® after the drug name
because I suspect the name to be a registered trademark. If it is
known, it is properly designated and capitalized. Otherwise
consider it a mistake and not intended to dilute or destroy a brand
name. Consider this entire list a work of literature and thus for
editorial purposes, trademarks may not be identified. If you know
of a mistake, it is your duty to inform me so I may correct my error.
Liability Disclaimer: This
list does not represent official policy of any organization. This
literary work is the creation of Darren Smith for the purpose of
sharing human factors information to pilots. For more
information, make corrections, or ask questions, please use the contact
form below. This information is not a substitute for competent medical
advice. Always contact your Physician. There are no
representations or warranties of any kind
made pertaining to this service/information and any warranty, express
or implied, is excluded and disclaimed including but not limited to the
implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular
purpose. Under no circumstances or theories of liability, including
without limitation the negligence of any party, contract, warranty or
strict liability in tort, shall the website creator/author or any of
its affiliated or related organizations be liable for any direct,
indirect, incidental, special, consequential or punitive damages as a
result of the use of, or the inability to use, any information provided
through this service even if advised of the possibility of such
tendency of an event to occur varies inversely with one’s preparation
for it."
David Searles